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17..04. 5 клас Reading 5 form II term Mrs. Jones was waiting for an important telephone call, but she had no bread in the house, so she left the baby at home and said to his five-year-old brother, “ I am going to the shop, Jimmy, I shall be back in a few minutes”. While she was out, the phone rang , and Jimmy answered. “Hello”, said a man, “is your mother there?” “No”, answered Jimmy. “Well , when she come back , tell her that Mr. Baker phoned”. “What?’’ “ Mr. Baker. Write it down. B-A-K-E-R.” “ How do you make a B?” “ How do I make…? Listen, little boy, is there anybody else with you? Any brother or sisters?” “ My brother Billy”. “Good, I want to talk to him, please.” “ All right”, Jimmy took the phone to the baby’s bed and gave it to Billy. When mother came back , she asked, “ Did anyone phone?’ “ Yes, a man. But he wanted to talk to Billy”. A. Complete the sentences. 1. Mrs. Jones was waiting for… ...
5 клас 19.03. 2020 Практична робота на уроці: Вправа 1. Read and colour. Прочитай і розфарбуй. Bob’s sweater is green. Molly’s sweater is pink. Molly’s jacket is yellow. Bob’s jacket is grey. Bob’s scarf is green and blue. Molly’s scarf is blue and white. Bob’s boots are grey and blue. Molly’s boots are black and white. Molly’s trousers are red. Bob’s trousers are brown. Вправа 2. Put the sentences in the correct order. Постав у правильній послідовності. Yes, please. I’d like a blouse. Can I help you? It’s £20. What colour? Here you are. How much is it? Вправа 3. Cross the odd one out. Знайди зайве слово. Trainers, gloves, shoes, boots Scarf, gloves, socks, shorts Jeans, trousers, shorts,sweaters Jacket, vest, cardigan, pants Wellingtons, hiking boots, briefs, shoes Visor, cap, flip flops, hat Домашня робота. Read and answer the questions. Hi! My name’s Ellie. I’m from Britain .It isn’t cold. I wear a sweatshirt, a jacket and t...
14.05. 3 клас контроль читання II semester 3 form Test Listening Comprehension My Home I. Translate ( напиши переклад слів). 1. A living room - 2. A bedroom - 3. A kitchen - 4. A hall - 5. A balcony - 6. A bathroom – II. True or false (+/-). 1. I am nine. 2. I live in a nice house. 3. There are three rooms in it. 4. There is a balcony in the living room. 5. Our kitchen is big and cosy. 6. We have a rest and watch TV every morning. III. ...
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