7 КЛАС 30.03.2020. практична робота а) match English words with Ukrainian equiva lents: 1.to be situated on а ) проходити ( про час ) 2. exhibition b) каштан 3.to pass c) мешканець 4.to be proud d ) бути розташованим на 5.fifteen centuries e) виставка 6. inhabitant f) давні горби 7. to be held ...
Показано дописи з березень, 2020
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6 КЛАС 30.03.2020. Практична робота: Підручник Вправа 3 ст. 152 Прочитати Вправа 4 ст. 153 сказати Правда чи Не правда ДОМАШНЯ РОБОТА: З'ЄДНАЙ СЛОВО З ПОЯСНЕННЯМ 1.Khreshchtic a)Ancient Kyiv’s “Upper Town:” 2.Podil b)The 17 story hotel was built in 1970 3.Lavra c)the Kyiv test favourite street 4.”Lybid“ d)The term used by orthodox church its largest monastery. 5.Pechersk ...
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30.03.2020. 5 КЛАС Reading. Work with the text. New Year Not all English people celebrate New Year. Those who do celebrate it on the 31st of December. A lot of people go to Trafalgar Square to see the Christmas tree. They have a New Year party at home. On that day they wish their nearest and dearest a “Happy New Year”. When Big Ben strikes twelve they drink a toast to the New Year. In America people celebrate New Year, too. They visit their relatives and friends or have parties at home. English and American people often make New Year resolutions – they are promises for the New Year. Children make New Year resolutions, too. This is what is Paul, an English boy, wrote:”I often make resolutions but I don’t always keep them. This year I am going: - To help my mum about the house; - To be nice to my little sister; - To do exercises every morning; - Not to be late for school; - To go to the swimmi...
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4 клас 30.03.2020 "Свята та традиції святкування" Pumpkin [ˈpʌmpkɪn] - гарбуз Candle [ˈkæn.dl̩] - свічка Inside [ˌɪnˈsaɪd] - усередині “Trick or treat” [trɪkɔːtriːt] - "гаманець або життя" fir-tree [ˈfɜːr triː] - ялина recite [rɪˈsaɪt] - декламувати 2) While-listening activity: Учні на слух сприймають тексти, які читає вчитель. T: Pupils, listen to my short texts, guess what it is a holiday and fill a table. On this day sons and daughters visit their mothers and bring to them flowers and little presents. Children do the housework and cook some tasty dishes. ( Mother’s Day) People put pumpkins on the window-sills. They draw eyes, a nose and a mouth on the pumpkins and put a candle inside it. The children go from house to house and say “Trick or treat”. They get money, sweets and cakes . (Halloween) People over the world bring beautiful fir-trees to their homes and decorate them with bright toys and lights. Children have parties in thei...
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5 клас 20.03.2020. Робота на уроці: https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fyoutu.be%2Fy1r12OYDY3w%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR1dWgBYMfAAv9NoASAHa7kTPmiwOr5G8a0LLHqn-e_HQYbZe13focJaZNU&h=AT1cZypD0DEVihUq8wv71uOZfUM4guDegUZJS5AA3uPrPJYIj1bPSrVU4bKort-NLvQYu6SZUCvC3l_C2igFpYHBYx3o0K8TYCdzRA1UQpOtS2kQbtWIHDVGSVcZ8Q4GVkxU8g домашня робота Вправа 4 ст. 163 Записати слова у словник. Вправа 3 ст. 163 Здогадатися і з,єднати
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5 клас 19.03. 2020 Практична робота на уроці: Вправа 1. Read and colour. Прочитай і розфарбуй. Bob’s sweater is green. Molly’s sweater is pink. Molly’s jacket is yellow. Bob’s jacket is grey. Bob’s scarf is green and blue. Molly’s scarf is blue and white. Bob’s boots are grey and blue. Molly’s boots are black and white. Molly’s trousers are red. Bob’s trousers are brown. Вправа 2. Put the sentences in the correct order. Постав у правильній послідовності. Yes, please. I’d like a blouse. Can I help you? It’s £20. What colour? Here you are. How much is it? Вправа 3. Cross the odd one out. Знайди зайве слово. Trainers, gloves, shoes, boots Scarf, gloves, socks, shorts Jeans, trousers, shorts,sweaters Jacket, vest, cardigan, pants Wellingtons, hiking boots, briefs, shoes Visor, cap, flip flops, hat Домашня робота. Read and answer the questions. Hi! My name’s Ellie. I’m from Britain .It isn’t cold. I wear a sweatshirt, a jacket and t...
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3 клас 18.03.2020 Перекласти на українську мову. The cat is on the sofa. The cat is in the arm-chair. The picture is above the table. The picture is above the TV. The doll is on the carpets. The doll is under the table. The chair is near the table. The chair is in front of the TV. The arm-chair is next to the sofa on the left. The arm-chair is next to the sofa on the right. There is a carpet on the floor. There is not a carpet on the floor. Прочитайте текст. « I am the Little Red Riding Hood . I have a room. My room is little and comfortable. There is a wardrobe near the wall on the right. The sofa is next to the wall on the left. My TV set is in front of the sofa. The DVD is on the TV set. My table is in front of the window. There is a carpet on the floor. My toy – box is under the sofa. I like my room. » Домашня робота !!! Вкажіть YES\NO Her room is big . The...
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16.03.2020. 3 клас Практична робота. https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DG3AQRvUkKBQ%26feature%3Dshare%26fbclid%3DIwAR0kXcegllbUIlxqVBea3gLxSRGH__WFcYM2ts-_c284NNDA6Gk6sfl0LfM&h=AT05ss2lLvEAaEli9r1r48zEcTqEZU4VezM7NXLgvIcziBIpcQnCk_XuSDFCWBD23WAq-B3SgLCtUrQE_emix2wRgXE65rM7JifiIiEDxJMkei0KkEOJSWTZ3i0Y4hnsmVEa
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17.03.2020. 7 клас. Київ Практична робота THINGS TO SEE IN KYIV Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. It is located on the scenic banks of the Dnipro River. There are a lot of parks, tree-lined broad and straight streets in our capital. Kyiv is one of the oldest cities of Europe and it has many places of historic interest. Among them are famous churches, cathedrals and monasteries, because Kyiv is the ancestral home of Christianity in Kyivan Rus. If you want to discover Kyiv, it is best to start with a tour on a sightseeing bus. Would you like to start your tour with visiting the imposing building of St. Volodymyr Cathedral? It was built in 1882 in a new Byzantic style by the architect Baretti. It is a traditionally Slavic six-column, three apse church crowned by seven cupolas. The height to the top of the cross on the main cupola is 48.9 m. The murals of the church interior are of considerable artistic significance. They were made ...
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13.03.2020. 1 клас Практична робота. https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Dp9eMyG1nWEo%26feature%3Dshare%26fbclid%3DIwAR3ThKofqo1twP768RtbItXxrGHjwogrCrUuewYmok09mUQRJKte1ieMw4Q&h=AT1c8L4VyJ_JxCcge87BAAYVXlR8WGxs_Q8a6nWd7vc2jzu6rZwG818JW9xmVtiZ3ny2LalpqBkJ_4W_WSHulrM7GCpb0VvHlaqKkvxxu5dXITDhWnMy1-Pm0PbiP4BeeZRV
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16.03.2020 2 клас Практична робота https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DG3AQRvUkKBQ%26feature%3Dshare%26fbclid%3DIwAR3ug-kE925crUmd9ffHZ6wRkxUH2SGGb2_h_Z3UD_zX0CF8-9W8npdT_bM&h=AT05ss2lLvEAaEli9r1r48zEcTqEZU4VezM7NXLgvIcziBIpcQnCk_XuSDFCWBD23WAq-B3SgLCtUrQE_emix2wRgXE65rM7JifiIiEDxJMkei0KkEOJSWTZ3i0Y4hnsmVEa
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16.03.2020. 7 клас. Практична робота. https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DqNIf2pw_2H8%26feature%3Dshare%26fbclid%3DIwAR2irL4AzkmQcw3HPU-fUzpQh1XAq6XAMkgurqAXY7vv5GkQRXu8gBUPQSo&h=AT3x0nrFd_cjGglvQjgffvg3n-wDY7nZnm6EhBCn_2c72WwtoLJXYi5gproR6Hnr69PDS1nnlxnsQJarTzejZaqSwwybvRzVieSJhHiVI1D0CnK3CxFRbMjizLL1qjk4dE3u Домашня робота. Скласти міні текст про Київ і підкреслити означені та неозначені артиклі. Відправляйте свої виконані роботи на мій Вайбер 0986278693
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16.03.2020. 1 клас https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DuIbugCcZt6U%26feature%3Dshare%26fbclid%3DIwAR2y2Gmq9Ryo-d-B8qLLtMSb6jvCuYjC7Nn9fYycHqEvayjVhKp8-szuRVY&h=AT0-w_DGbwZZM3YQbiWmzdExTDRANo4rD7wNlnw0lcoEz-MQTQ2SZD6Eh_ERon6HQtArRlFwJ4hKkh0wrdi1x8pm70R9j41olcYwl1QU8C_-HFLLNqjvISvrOGgqPxmZB4Z_
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13.03.2020. 1 клас Практична робота. https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Dp9eMyG1nWEo%26feature%3Dshare%26fbclid%3DIwAR3ThKofqo1twP768RtbItXxrGHjwogrCrUuewYmok09mUQRJKte1ieMw4Q&h=AT1c8L4VyJ_JxCcge87BAAYVXlR8WGxs_Q8a6nWd7vc2jzu6rZwG818JW9xmVtiZ3ny2LalpqBkJ_4W_WSHulrM7GCpb0VvHlaqKkvxxu5dXITDhWnMy1-Pm0PbiP4BeeZRV
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13.03.2020. 4 клас практична робота. https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D5ZQgQbTiV34%26feature%3Dshare%26fbclid%3DIwAR2irL4AzkmQcw3HPU-fUzpQh1XAq6XAMkgurqAXY7vv5GkQRXu8gBUPQSo&h=AT1hzrf6XjxmOlGHtn0dGF_HIZHFESzLxzu83_wLKtVO_yrpU_HA3RRaqJxvtn2ZVBJQWJAb1z9OsmzUGgj-AefQ3ibUgr2JYkNxdbLGpueOtNzteVXnQWidS4Y96dVcrM6o Відправляйте свої виконані роботи на мій Вайбер 0986278693
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13.13.2020. 3 клас Відеоурок за темою "Дні тижня" https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D5ZQgQbTiV34%26feature%3Dshare%26fbclid%3DIwAR2irL4AzkmQcw3HPU-fUzpQh1XAq6XAMkgurqAXY7vv5GkQRXu8gBUPQSo&h=AT1hzrf6XjxmOlGHtn0dGF_HIZHFESzLxzu83_wLKtVO_yrpU_HA3RRaqJxvtn2ZVBJQWJAb1z9OsmzUGgj-AefQ3ibUgr2JYkNxdbLGpueOtNzteVXnQWidS4Y96dVcrM6o
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13.03.2020. 7 клас практична робота. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KYu-gP1nNTY Введення в іншомовну атмосферу. And after watching the video let`s try to complete the sentences. (two word-combinations are extra) European Square, Khreshchatyk, 1900m, skyscraper, shortest, Bessarabska Square, 1200m, two hundred years ago 1. The symbol of our capital is ………… 2. It stretches from ……. to …….. 3. It is one of the ………. street in the world. 4. Khreshchatyk has a length of ………… 5. The first …… was build on Khreshchatyk Street. Читання нового тексту з теми “ Київ» Kyiv is one of the oldest cities of Europe . It bears a name of prince Kyi, who lived on the old Kyiv Hill in the sixth century. Nowadays it is a large political, industrial and cultural centre. There are huge enterprises in Kyiv. They produce e...